Friday, August 2, 2013

Death From Above - The British Typhoon I B

 Check Actual! This is Dog Company, requesting danger close fire support! Finally, my Typhoon arrived, and I can't express my excitement!
The box
Once I got the box open I found the resin model, the metal cannons and rockets, the dice, and the flight stand. The model itself looked great, but the flash was pretty bad. However, It wasn't very hard to clean the model up.
What's inside?
 I really enjoyed painting this model, for the most part, and I couldn't help but make plane and machine gun noises! The only difficult part was the invasion stripes which I butchered at first. After a few attempts I figured it out, and once the decals were on it all came together.
Krauts in the open!
I can't wait to put this on the table, and play it. Jerry better watch the skies!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Canadian 3rd ID vs. German Grenadiers

   I will start out saying, this AAR only has 3 pictures due to a mishap whilst uploading the pictures taken during the game to my computer. I have fixed the issue now, and I am looking forward to uploading some cooler AAR's in the future!
 The Canadian's advanced under the cover of HMG's and 4.2 in mortars, and also pushed towards the farm house.
The Canadian's successfully assaulted the forest, however the push from the farm house to the objective was repulsed. 
Ultimately the assaults bloodied the Canadians to the point that they just couldn't capture the objective, and it ended it a German 4-3 victory....